What’s It Like Working With My Spouse in Our Product Sourcing Agency?

Apr 19, 2024

So what’s it like having a spouse as a business partner

Well… it’s mostly great

You’re probably wondering what I mean by “mostly“—more on that below.

But first, the positives: 

➤ Having someone just as committed as I am in the business. 

➤ Access to a sounding board for ideas with someone who cares as much as I do. 

➤ Celebrating the wins together and troubleshooting the challenges (there’s an endless supply of each as it turns out). 

➤ Constant motivation. When one of us feels down we have the other to raise us up. And when we’re both up the energy can really be buzzing! 

One of the Challenges

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects is creating a break between business and personal life. No surprise, right? The two worlds can easily blend together sometimes. Case in point is being asked about a factory situation late at night when my eyes are closing and I’m just about to fall asleep… 

But like anything, Xiaofeng Wu and I are discovering and adjusting as we go along, having fun while we do it, and trying to be intentional about our decision making. 

For anyone who we have connected with, or for future connections, THANK YOU for being a part of our journey. We look forward to what’s next! 

Are you working with your better half? What has your experience been like? 


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