My Journey to amaNordic: Representing China Product Pros in Sweden

Oct 3, 2024

Why is going to Sweden a dream come true for me? 

As an 18 year old, I almost went to Mittuniversitetet in Östersund for a study exchange in the early 2000s. I was bummed when it didn’t work out because of the cost. 

Then I found a way to bootstrap my way to China, and well, the rest is history. I bet you’ve also had some pivotal life moments where a different fork in the road would have put you in a completely different place right now. 

All that to say, when I was invited to amaNordic to represent China Product Pros to talk about product sourcing with Nordic and international sellers, I jumped at the chance. 

I hope to see you there! Event details here

Can’t make it? Shoot me a message at, and let’s meet up for a virtual chat. 


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